Tiếng Việt

DTU and Business

LogiGear Recruits CMU Students

LogiGear held a recruitment day at DTU on 18th October, 2011. The event attracted hundreds CMU students.

Mr. Vuong Bao Long, LogiGear HR Manager gave a brief presentation about LogiGear and the advantages of working at his company. “The CMU students at DTU are the ones we are looking for. CMU is world-famous for its academic standards. In 2012, we are planning to recruit up to 800 employees. This will be an ideal opportunity for CMU students in their final year, as LogiGear is a leading company in the field of software testing”, he said.
Mr. Vuong Bao Long, LogiGear HR Manager addresses the meeting 

Representatives from LogiGear also shared their experiences with DTU students. CMU students felt more confident and eager to apply to LogiGear after they had been introduced to Do Quang Tinh and Nguyen Khanh Huy, two DTU alumni now working for LogiGear.

Mr. Vo Van Luong from the DTU International School said: “LogiGear will come to DTU to recruit twice a year. Those who apply and meet the necessary requirements will be offered internships at LogiGear. We hope this will be another great opportunity for CMU graduates”.

(Media Center)