Tiếng Việt


Project Hand-Over Ceremony

On April 3rd, at the Village of Hope, DTU and the Singapore Polytechnic held a ceremony to hand over the renovation work completed on three levels of public conveniences there. This event was part of a comprehensive collaboration between the two institutions, with the objective of improving on the living conditions of the disadvantaged children in the village.
Representatives of DTU and SP at the Hand-over Ceremony

At the event, Mr. Nguyen Huu Phu, DTU Vice-Provost, stated: “The community-based project has been conducted by DTU and SP at the Village of Hope to renovate the dining-room, the reading room, the playground and the railings. Hopefully, further work will be conducted in the future to enhance our partnership and improve the living conditions for the children in the village.”
Singapore Polytechnic students with the children of the Village of Hope
As well as engaging in several educational activities, SP and DTU provided their students a way of participating in charitable work, in order for them to better appreciate living with the children and making them more aware of their social responsibilities.
In March of 2014, a group of SP and DTU students arrived at the Village of Hope to renovate three levels of public conveniences there, sponsored with 38 million VND from SP and DTU.  
On behalf of the Singapore Polytechnic, Mr. Goh Chee Pieu, a lecturer from the School of Architecture and Environmental Construction, said: “My first trip to DTU was in 2011 with a group of twenty students. We came to the Village of Hope to renovate the dining- hall. This time, with another group of twenty students, we are helping to renovate three levels of public conveniences. I am happy to be back and we are actually using the dining hall that we previously renovated to have lunch with the children. We also played basketball, soccer and other games together. I hope that the children enjoyed the time they spent with us as much as we did.”
The project helped demonstrate the social responsibility of the students in the community and strengthened the friendship between DTU and SP.

(Media Center)