Tiếng Việt


The 2023 DTU Student Research Conference

On June 3, the annual DTU Student Research Conference was held, to motivate students throughout the university to participate in their own research projects.
H?i ngh? Sinh viên Nghiên c?u Khoa h?c c?a Ð?i h?c Duy Tân nam 2023
DTU Vice-Provost Dr. Vo Thanh Hai  
“We hold regular conferences, seminars, and research activities for lecturers and students, which we especially focus on at the university,” said Vice-Provost Dr. Vo Thanh Hai. “After much consideration, today’s DTU Student Research Conference has submitted a list of the most applicable projects, the best of which will be selected by the organizing committee, who will then assist the student teams to refine them.”
Eighteen projects from various DTU schools were judged the best for the conference and the committee impartially evaluated each student project based on specific criteria: the project concept and its approach; project objectives; research methods; research results; presentation of the project; and publication of the research in domestic and foreign journals.
H?i ngh? Sinh viên Nghiên c?u Khoa h?c c?a Ð?i h?c Duy Tân nam 2023
Prizes are awarded to the winning projects
The organizers commended several of the projects on their content and practical applicability and many have evolved into models or test products and models, re demonstrating that students are now concentrating more on increasingly practical applications. In addition, the teams confidently answered the jury’s questions at the plenary session, and received many invaluable suggestions from lecturers on how to improve their projects.
H?i ngh? Sinh viên Nghiên c?u Khoa h?c c?a Ð?i h?c Duy Tân nam 2023
Competing teams and DTU lecturers
The organizers presented prizes to the leading projects by field of study:
Computer science
- First prize, for “Automatic generation of image captions in Vietnamese for sports images”
- Second prize, for “Craft Village Pollution Monitoring System”
- Two third prizes, for “Collecting, analyzing and charting data from decentralized wallets”.
Science & technology
- First prize, for “Smart wearable devices to support people with disabilities or limited mobility”
- Second prize, for “Research on factors affecting the shear resistance of reinforced concrete columns”
Health sciences
- First prize, for “Research into and the manufacture of suture models for oral and maxillofacial surgery”
- Second prize, for “Serum microRNA as potential non-invasive biomarkers for liver cancer”
- Third prize, for “Research into methylation of P16 and RASSF1A genes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Social sciences & economics
- First prize, for “Factors affecting student personal financial management skills”
- Second prize, for “Research on the factors affecting startup intentions of university students in Danang”
- Third prize, for “Analysis of thematic roles in news bulletins and short stories”
“As we worked on our project, we practiced our teamwork, planning, writing and publishing skills,” said Thi Ly Liem, from the K28 EDK2 class in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and spokesperson for the winners of the first prize in science & technology. “It wasn’t easy to balance our classroom studies with the work required to construct our product, however we always received excellent support from older students and our lecturers and  completed our project on time, incorporating their suggestions for improvement as we progressed.”
(Media Center)