Tiếng Việt


The Closing Ceremony of the UN SDG P2A Virtual Mobility Program

On October 11, DTU held the closing ceremony of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) P2A Virtual Mobility program. Attendees included Ms. Zhang Yu from Temasek Polytechnic University in Singapore; Mr. Muhammad Fauzan from UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia; Dr. Le Nguyen Tue Hang, DTU Vice-Provost; Dr. Lee Younghee, lecturer from the DTU School of Hospitality and Tourism; the P2A Secretariat; and students from 22 ASEAN institutions. 
Chuong trình Giao luu Tr?c tuy?n P2A v? các M?c tiêu Phát tri?n b?n V?ng c?a Liên Hi?p Qu?c
The Closing ceremony 
Dr. Le Nguyen Tue Hang, DTU Vice-Provost, said: “On behalf of the P2A Secretariat, I would like to congratulate the organizers of the UN SDGs P2A Virtual Mobility program on its great success, thanks to the cooperation between students and coordinators from 22 universities and colleges. Even though the school learning program is still ongoing, you are all still making time to participate. Your video presentation was excellent because it demonstrated your teamwork, innovation and project implementation skills. I hope that you will learn much more in the process, make new friends in the ASEAN community and develop the necessary soft skills and practical experience required.”
Chuong trình Giao luu Tr?c tuy?n P2A v? các M?c tiêu Phát tri?n b?n V?ng c?a Liên Hi?p Qu?c
The organizing committee awards Second prize to Team 14 for their video “Life below water” 
From September 6 to October 11, participants were divided into 17 groups, met each other, held discussions and created video projects together on the assigned topics. These included: poverty eradication, health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, hygienic water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, reasonable work conditions and economic growth, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, natural resources and marine life. 
The 17 teams completed their projects on schedule and their videos were well received on P2A's official Facebook page, with more than 23,000 positive emoticons. The 8 best videos were selected to be broadcast at the closing ceremony.
The goals included:
- Team 2:  No Poverty
- Team 3: Good health and well-being
- Team 5: Gender equality
- Team 11: Sustainable cities and communities
- Team 12: Responsible consumption and production
- Team 14: Life below water
- Team 15: Life on land 
- Team 16: Peace, Justice and strong institutions
Chuong trình Giao luu Tr?c tuy?n P2A v? các M?c tiêu Phát tri?n b?n V?ng c?a Liên Hi?p Qu?c
P2A representatives pose for a picture
The hard work put in and teamwork skills exhibited were highly admired, despite the cultural and language differences between the members. This all led to the completion of a high quality, creative project, with sounds and vivid images and forms of expression that strongly attracted the many viewers. 
First prize went to Team 15; Second to Team 14 and Third to Team 16.
Mr. Muhammad Fauzan, from the Yogyakarta Veterans National Development University in Indonesia, commented on the video that won first prize and said: “I’m extremely impressed that you started your video with images of inundated areas. Flooding occurs in many places on earth and is no less dangerous than deforestation. Facts show that floods tend to be destroy ecosystems three times faster than deforestation and the idea of composting organic waste containing water to keep the soil moist, reduce evaporation, and add nutrients to the soil is, in my opinion, an interesting solution, which is also highly feasible, because it can be conveniently implemented in reality.”
(Media Center)