Building on the success of their first Career Orientation Conference online, the DTU Faculty of Chinese worked with several businesses to hold the workshop “Reach Out to Big Sea 2” on May 7th at the 3 Quang Trung campus, Danang. It was a networking opportunity for students where they could meet with businesses and exchange with the speakers to get a better understanding of what they need for their future careers.
The organizers gave flowers to the speakers at the “Reach out to Big Sea 2” workshop
The speakers at the workshop were Ms Nguyen Hong Hanh, Director of Phu Long Computer & Training Consulting SM LLC; MSc Hoang Tran Tram Anh, Director of Transactions in Ben Cat, SHB Bank Binh Duong; MSc Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, Executive Director of An Nhien Chinese; Ms Truong Thi Lan Huong, Director of Muong Thanh Hotel Danang; Mr Nguyen Ngoc Thien, Vice Director of Hai Van Cat International Travel LLC; and Mr Phan Quang Minh, Director of Minh Vien International JSC. From DTU were present: School of Foreign Languages Vice Provost Assoc.Prof. Dr Ton Nu My Nhat, Faculty of Chinese Dean Dr Dang Thuy Lien, and a great lot of students.
The workshop “Reach out to Big Sea 2” on the topic “Know yourself - Choose a Field - Develop your Career” was an opportunity for students to exchange and learn from the experience of the invited speakers, to be inspired in their studies and in their personal development. Speaker Hoang Tran Tram Anh opened the event with positive energy with her talk “From interest - choose major - study passion. From studying passion – to applying specialization. Applying specialization - creating income from what you have trained. Circle of income and increasing income is career.” A talented person coming from education, not hesitant to experiment with working in different environments, and ever eager to learn, she attained many high positions in her work. At today’s workshop, Ms Tram Anh shared her experience with the students.
Speaker MSc Hoang Tran Tram Anh shared her experience at the “Reach out to Big Sea 2” workshop
Each of the speakers had an interesting point of view related to career matters and this provided the students of the Faculty of Chinese with many useful lessons. Among them, Muong Thanh Hotel Danang Director Ms Truong Thi Lan Huong said, “Muong Thanh Group has very high recruitment demand. Whether you can put your foreign-language ability to the test, however, depends on the hospitality market of the city where you want to work. In the regions of Danang and Nha Trang, for example, tourist and especially Chinese visitors are very numerous. Being fluent in Chinese as a student is therefore a huge plus and you’ll be highly favored when applying for positions like at the reception, in sales, or in restaurants. If you like the environment of hospitality, feel you possess the right qualities, and desire to develop a career in hospitality & hotel, almost every single one of you will be recruited.”

Muong Thanh Hotel Danang Director Ms Truong Thi Lan Huong speaking on job opportunities for students
The event continued with more speakers giving talks with titles like “Work environment is place for candidates to ‘apply expertise’”, “What society needs”, “Why one needs to understand the above aspects and their importance - know yourself and find study motivation and the meaning of life”, and “Recruiter point of view”. With their rich professional experience at high positions at different companies, the speakers spoke of life and work to give the students encouragement and faith.
Speakers with Faculty of Chinese lecturers and students
During the Q&A session with the speakers, many students voiced concerns around issues like: “Besides specialized knowledge, which skills should we additionally work on as students?” “I’m introverted, what jobs could I choose that fit my current major?” “What are job opportunities for students of the Faculty of Chinese?” “What are recruitment needs and requirements at Muong Thanh Hotel for students of the Faculty of Chinese?”
The workshop “Reach out to Big Sea 2” closed with the elation and excitement of the students of the Faculty of Chinese. It was a big opportunity for the students to hear about the needs of businesses and recruiters. It furthermore helped them understand what they need to do during their university studies and how to do it to get the highest possible results and to find future career opportunities.
(Media Center)