Tiếng Việt


Final round of Book Presentation Contest at Duy Tan University

Final round of Book Presentation Contest at Duy Tan University

On the evening of May 5th 2009, the final round of the Book Presentation Contest, jointly organized by the DTU Library and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities...

English Club at Duy Tan University

English Club at Duy Tan University

On Sunday May 4th 2009, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, in association with the Anh Viet Foreign Language Centre (AVFLC), organized an English Club, with the objective...

Book Review Presentation Contest at Duy Tan University

Book Review Presentation Contest at Duy Tan University

On  April 12th 2009, the Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty collaborated with the Duy Tan library to hold the first round of a presentation contest called: “ Books Open...

Department of Information Technology-Duy Tan University held the Seminar: “Eclipse: Empowering Universal Platform”

Department of Information Technology-Duy Tan University held the Seminar: “Eclipse: Empowering Universal Platform”

In the afternoon of 27th March 2009, the Department of Information Technology, in conjunction with IBM Vietnam, held the seminar named: “Eclipse: Empowering Universal Platform” at campus 184 Nguyen...

Graduation Ceremony for the NIIT’s first intake students

Graduation Ceremony for the NIIT’s first intake students

On the morning of November 8th, 2008, the graduation ceremony for 46 students of the first intake in NIIT program in partnership with NIIT (India) has been implemented formally at 184 Nguyen Van Linh...

Duy Tan University paticipated in  the Competition of Robocon 2008

Duy Tan University paticipated in the Competition of Robocon 2008

With the aim to create awareness among students on the development and progress of science and technology.In the morning of April 5th, 2008, Duy Tan University took part in the competition of Robocon...

An IT course will be offered at Duy Tan University

An IT course will be offered at Duy Tan University

From the 2008-2009 school year, an IT course will be offered at Duy Tan University under the agreement with the US Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). This four-year course focuses on software...

A training course of DB2-Express C

A training course of DB2-Express C

On the 18th to 19th of August, 2008, Mr Raul F. Chong-the Director of “DB2 on Campus Program” organized successfully the DB2-Express C training class for DTU’s lecturers and staff. This training...

Duy Tan University Hold a Exchange Program with Hue University’s College of Education

Duy Tan University Hold a Exchange Program with Hue University’s College of Education

On May, 6th, 2008 students from DTU’s Department of Information Technology held a meeting with the Department of Information Technology of Hue University’s College of Education...

Teaching methodology of ACCA programme

Teaching methodology of ACCA programme

With the aim to offer ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certificated Accountants) qualification to DTU’s learners who is seeking a rewarding career in accoutancy, finance...

DTU’s students participated in the Safety driving Competition in Danang city

DTU’s students participated in the Safety driving Competition in Danang city

DTU’s students took part in the Safety Driving Competition, Danang city 2008, which was held in Trung Vuong theatre from 8th to 10th May 2008 by Youth Union of Danang city...

Graduation ceremony for students of Engineering Faculty

Graduation ceremony for students of Engineering Faculty

On the morning of August 8th, 2005 at Hall A-209 Phan Thanh, Duy Tan University held the closing ceremony and granting graduate certificate to 104 students of Engineering Faculty...

Dr. Le Viet Khuyen Gives a Talk on Credit-Based Teaching Issues

Dr. Le Viet Khuyen Gives a Talk on Credit-Based Teaching Issues

On the invitation of President Le Cong Co, on the afternoon of August  20th, 2005, Dr. Le Viet Khuyen, the Deputy Director of the University Level Education Department...