Tiếng Việt


A Career Orientation Talkshow

On May 29th, the DTU Nam Khue Management Institute held a Career Orientation Talkshow for students of the Talent Program in Business Administration and Marketing & Strategy Management. This event was live-streamed on The Five Hospitality's fanpage, which has over 2 million followers, and saw more than 300 Nam Khue Management Institute students attending in person. 
The speakers shared experiences and tips for making a good impression on recruiters
The talkshow featured leading experts in the Hotel and Tourism industry, including Ms. Ha Thi Dieu Vien, Assistant Director at Silk Sense River Resort; Ms. Tran Thi Kim Lien, Operations Director of The Five hotel chain and representative of the investor of Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang; and Mr. Le Viet, CEO and Founder of hotel shop.vn and the hotel ecosystem.
During the talkshow, Ms. Dieu Vien shared with Nam Khue Management Institute students the secrets to answering recruiters' questions and making a good impression during interviews through the topic "How to Impress Recruiters?". She emphasized that one of the key factors for a successful interview is that candidates must understand themselves and also understand the recruiter to know if they are suitable for the job position, the working environment, and whether they are the candidate the recruiter is truly looking for. Essential interview skills candidates need to note include: always maintaining a confident and professional attitude, listening and answering questions briefly but to the point, and if possible, requesting feedback from the recruiter on their interview performance to learn and improve for future interviews.
Students of the Nam Khue Management Institute 
With her many years of experience in human resources, Ms. Kim Lien guided Nam Khue Management Institute students on how to create an impressive CV and access career opportunities in the hospitality industry and others. She emphasized that the hospitality sector offers many attractive positions for graduates in Business Administration and Marketing & Strategy Management. Therefore, she spent considerable time sharing valuable advice for new hoteliers and first-year students, highlighting the essential knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the hospitality industry.
Not only did the students have the opportunity to listen to practical experiences and advice from industry experts, but they also had their questions about career orientation answered by the speakers, both in person at the talkshow and via the live stream.
Nguyen Van Thu, a second year student of Marketing & Strategy Management, said: "Today's talkshow is a valuable opportunity for me to meet with businesses, and especially to learn knowledge and experience through the meaningful presentations of the speakers. I have gained a better understanding of the mindset, psychology, and requirements of recruiters towards candidates, which helps me to further improve myself, better orient my career path, and prepare more effectively for entering the actual working environment."
(Media Center)