Tiếng Việt


DTU School of Medicine and Pharmacy Lays Flowers to Commemorate the 134th Birthday of President Ho Chi Minh

On May 15th, 2024, the lecturers, staff, and students of the DTU School of Medicine and Pharmacy laid flowers at the Zone 5 Military Museum to commemorate the 134th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890 - May 19, 2024), a great leader of the Vietnamese people and an eminent soldier of the workers' movement and the international communist movement. This event provided an opportunity for generations of students to interact, learn, and ignite the flame of patriotism and the desire to contribute to the revolutionary cause of the nation.
Lecturers, staff and students of the DTU School of Medicine and Pharmacy participated in the flower laying...
President Ho Chi Minh is one of the key figures in the history of Vietnam and the world for his dedication to the independence of the nation. Across the country, many solemn and meaningful activities are taking place to commemorate the president's birthday and launches campaigns to inspire people to learn about and adopt his thoughts and morals.
and offered incense to commemorate the 134th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh's birthday
President Ho Chi Minh was born on May 19, 1890, in Kim Lien village, Nam Dan district, Nghe An province. President Ho Chi Minh dedicated his whole life to the ideal of national liberation, bringing independence and freedom to the country and happiness to the people. His revolutionary career played a crucial role in helping the Vietnamese people achieve national independence. The commemoration of President Ho Chi Minh's birthday is always an occasion for the entire Party, people, and military to reflect on his great life and career, and to continue to uphold and promote the invaluable values and lessons he left behind.
Therefore, through meaningful activities such as laying flowers to commemorate his birthday, the leadership, lecturers, staff and students of the DTU School of Medicine and Pharmacy wished to continue and promote the patriotic tradition and the resilient spirit of President Ho Chi Minh in the cause of building and protecting the country. This serves as an endless source of inspiration for generations of students at the DTU School of Medicine and Pharmacy to follow Uncle Ho's example, striving to become dedicated and devoted doctors and medical professionals serving the people.
Lecturers, staff and students posed for a photo in front of the Uncle Ho's stilt house at the Zone 5 Military Museum
After laying flowers and offering incense, the lecturers, staff and students toured the stilt house, a model built to a 1:1 scale of President Ho Chi Minh's stilt house in Hanoi, where the younger generations of the DTU School of Medicine and Pharmacy listened to moving stories about the daily life and revolutionary career of President Ho Chi Minh. 
Ho Binh Phuong, a first - year student of General Practitioner, said: “This is my first time participating in the flower offering ceremony, so I was very nervous. When I heard Uncle Ho's voice reading the Declaration of Independence, proclaiming the birth of Vietnam, I felt both emotional and proud, and I was happy to be a Vietnamese citizen.
Ten years ago, I had the chance to visit Uncle Ho's Mausoleum in Hanoi, and today, visiting Uncle Ho's stilt house with my teachers and friends, I felt like I was revisiting the days when I visited the Mausoleum in the capital. I promised to strive to join the ranks of the Party to become a citizen for the country.”
(Media Center)