On April 5th, one hundred students from Quang Trung high schools visited DTU to learn about its dynamic and creative educational and research environment and update them on the variety of academic programs and majors available. They toured the facilities and were told about the DTU enrollment process and schedules, to enable them to better understand the different disciplines offered, in preparation for choosing their university and major in 2023.
Quang Trung high school students at the “We Love Science” event
The students visited several locations to help them consider the alternative majors available:
- Laboratories for odonto-stomatology, general practitioner, nursing, pharmacy and anatomy practice
- The Stem Lab practice room
- A “Robot War” game facility, where they controlled simulated combat robots
- A chemistry lab, with amusing experimentation
- A room for growing medicinal plants
- An eCPR chest compression model laboratory, with hands-on first aid training
- A clinic for a free dental checkup
Some of the pictures taken during the “We Love Science” event:

(Media Center)