Tiếng Việt


The Third Electrical Engineering Conference

On September 10th, the DTU Faculty of Electrical Engineering hosted the Third Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Electrical Automation. Research projects conducted by DTU students and lecturers were commended for their practicality. 
Dr. Ha Dac Binh 
Dr. Ha Dac Binh, Dean of Electrical Engineering Faculty, said: “This annual conference aims to boost the volume of research by creating opportunities for researchers, lecturers and students. As a result of the conference, researchers received constructive new ideas about research topics and learned of ways to perfect their own projects. The best research papers will be published in the DTU Technology and Engineering journal, to enhance the quality of education and research at the university.”

Students of DTU Faculty of Electrical Engineering 

The conference reports focused on two main topics: Electrical Automation & Telecommunications and Media & Computer Networks. Several papers were highly practical and feasible, including one entitled “A Robot that Automatically Looks for Weld Defects in Ship Hulls”. The research team are now working with the Song Thu Shipyard to test the robot there prior to production. The Aerophonics System has been tested with good results so far.

The Faculty is planning to hold more activities to improve its research mission in the near future.

(Media Center)