Tiếng Việt


DTU partners with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, America

In order to prepare for the opening of and enrollment in the new Doctor of Medicine (MD) program, starting in the 2015 - 2016 school year, DTU welcomed and had a meeting with Prof. Margaret McDonald, vice provost of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine from May 6th to 7th. 
Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Minh, DTU Provost, and Dr.Margaret McDonald at the meeting
In 2014, according to National Institutes of Health (NIH), Pittsburgh was ranked 5th among the top 15 American medicine schools. Annually, the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine enrolls 599 students in graduate programs and 269 in Doctoral programs.
The health science program at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has six majors being medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing, rehabilitation and public health. There are many big research institutes and hospitals at University of Pittsburgh, where many globally famous professors have worked, such as Hillman Cancer Institute, Children’s Hospital, Vaccine Research Center, Biology and Molecular Genetics Research Center, Nervous Disease Research Center, and Biologic Imaging center. 
Prof. Margaret McDonald and DTU faculty and staff 
Collaborating with the University of Pittsburgh, a prestige institute, DTU researched and improved the contents relating to teaching medicine in the 4-year program in America, such as schedule, advanced teaching methods and skills, practice and science research, in order to make them become more suitable for the 6-year medicine program in Vietnam. 
The two universities agreed to the following matters:
        - Professors, lecturers and researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine will gradually take part in teaching at DTU
        - The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine will help DTU constructing the syllabus
        - The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine will help to support equipment, documents, teaching instruments for DTU
        - The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine will cooperate with DTU to do science research in some fields …
Previously, DTU signed a collaboration agreement with the University of Illinois at Chicago, America and other medicine universities in Vietnam. Partnering with the University of Pittsburgh could help training medicine, pharmacy and nursing at DTU develop more firmly in the future. 

(Media Center)