Tiếng Việt


DTU Tourism Department Students Perform Well Defending Their English Theses

Thirty K14 students from the DTU Tourism Department successfully defended their theses between May 8 and May 11.

This was the second year that the department had applied this new method to test final students. Although this required more effort, students benefited because presenting in front of the Board of Examiners certainly boosted their confidence levels.
Ms. Tran Ngoc Phuong Nga defends her thesis before the Board

Dr. Ha Hoc Le, Dean of the DTU Tourism Department said: “We are very proud that our students have done such great jobs defending their theses in English. This may have been their first challenge but it has made them more confident and optimistic to push ahead. Wherever you may be, the DTU Tourism Department will be always a second sweet home for you to come back to”.

As the first candidate, Ms.Tran Ngoc Phuong Nga of K14DLK2 defended her thesis successfully and persuasively responded to all questions. “We were really under stress for a few days, even though we were all well prepared. However, thanks to the great encouragement of the DTU Tourism faculty, I regained the confidence to do my best. I hope to be lucky in my career after graduation”, she said.

The Graduation Ceremony will be held in the end of May. Hopefully, the DTU Tourism Department graduates will find ways to achieve their future goals.
(Board of Website Editors)