Tiếng Việt


Second Round of the “Business Ideas Competition”

Three months after the launch of the Business Ideas Competition, twenty-three projects of the original 50 were selected to go onto the second round that took place on 13th December, 2011.

Representatives of the selected projects had to present their ideas and answer questions from the judges. About eight projects of those will proceed to the final round at the end of December, 2011.
A student presents his project to the judges  

“We were all surprised by the creative ideas presented. Most of the projects were well prepared and have strong potential. Hopefully, new business talent will emerge as a result of the competition”, said Mr. Nguyen Ke Toai, one of the judges.

The competition was collaboration between DTU, the Danang Association of Small & Medium Sized Businesses and the Ho Nghinh Scientific & Technological Foundation. All students from local universities and colleges were eligible to compete. The Awards Ceremony is planned for January 9th, which is Vietnamese Students’ Day.
(Media Center)