Tiếng Việt


High-Scoring Applicants Sign up for Artificial Intelligence at DTU

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a popular topic at technology forums and is recognized as a key technology of the future.
An ever-increasing number of IT applicants choose to study AI, to satisfy their requirements and broaden their career prospects. DTU was one of the first Vietnamese universities to offer a major in Artificial Intelligence, attracting many applicants in 2020-2021. Several of them had excellent High School Graduation Exam (HSGE) grades, including Ta Viet Duc with 26.15 and Dang Viet Hung with 25.75.
Ta Viet Duc: Dreaming of creating practical smart products
Since he was a senior, Viet Duc has been an IT maven. He was absorbed by reading about new technologies on his computer and impressed by the development of Artificial Intelligence, which allows for the creation of robots to help humans in their work and everyday lives. So he committed to excel in Natural Sciences when still at high school, to realize his dream of learning how to invent smart robots. As a result, Viet Duc scored 26.15 in is HSGE, with an amazing 9.4 in Mathematics.
T? Vi?t Ð?c l?a ch?n h?c ngành Trí tu? Nhân t?o t?i ÐH Duy Tân cùng ni?m yêu thích t?o ra các s?n ph?m thông minh
Ta Viet Duc 
Viet Duc’s study methods are quite unique. He does not do homework late at night or force himself to go to class when he does not feel like it. Viet Duc believes that when you really feel like studying it will be infinitely easier to learn. One important thing is to concentrate on getting to the heart of the problem. In Mathematics, logical thinking and the memorization of formulae to solve difficult problems are critical skills.
As far as the future of AI is concerned, Viet Duc believes that: “AI will advance even further as the demand for smart devices increases. Experts must be trained to create innovative useful products and, because I am planning a career in Artificial Intelligence, I must do my best to study seriously from now on and do my own research independently to learn all about the latest AI technologies.”
Viet Duc was very happy when admitted to DTU. His classmate, Le Tien Ngoc, signed up for the Software Engineering major and was awarded a full scholarship for Artificial Intelligence, which will encourage him to study diligently and become an expert in creating practical products to improve our lives.
Dang Viet Hung: Studying Artificial Intelligence because of a passion for new technologies
Dang Viet Hung, from Hoi An Ancient Town, in Quang Nam province, also chose to study Artificial Intelligence, with a Mathematics score of 9. He is enthralled by new technologies and always tries to stay up with the latest trends. “DTU is now a well-known university in Information Technology, serving Central Vietnam and the Central Highlands,” Viet Hung explained: “DTU offers high-quality education programs taught by specialized teams of lecturers in a state-of-the-art academic environment. I’m very satisfied and confident of my choice to study AI here.”
Ð?ng Vi?t Hung mong mu?n m? công ty riêng, t? t?o công vi?c cho b?n thân và cho m?i ngu?i
Dang Viet Hung 
Viet Hung considers himself to be earnest, thoughtful and disciplined and draws up rigorous study plans, having maintained the title of Skilled Student throughout senior high school. Viet Hung owes his achievements to fully understanding his textbooks and listening attentively to his lecturers. Meanwhile Viet Hung enjoys listening to music and playing badminton for relaxation. Viet Hung avows to do his best to realize his plans for the future. He said: “My DTU scholarship was great joy to me and encourages me to work hard to keep it running throughout my studies.”
Viet Hung has several colleagues who joined DTU to study a variety of different majors. On graduation he hopes to retain fond memories of his friends and lecturers. He said: “My dream is to start my own company and create a job for myself and others. I will then have a solid foundation of knowledge and skills to steadily realize my dream.”
(Media Center)