Tiếng Việt


DTU Holds Graduation Ceremony for Academic Year 2023 - 2024

On June 21, 2024, DTU organized a graduation ceremony for the new Doctors, Masters, Physicians, Pharmacists, Engineers, Architects, and Bachelors of the academic year 2023-2024. The ceremony was attended by Hero of Labor, Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co,  DTU Chairman; Dr. Le Nguyen Bao, DTU Provost; the Board of Provosts; leaders of faculties, offices, and a large number of esteemed professors, especially the presence of the new Physicians, Pharmacists, Engineers, Architects, Bachelors, students, and parents. This event is significant in recognizing the relentless efforts of students throughout their study and research journey at the university.


Dr. Le Nguyen Bao delivered heartfelt messages to the new Physicians,

Pharmacists, Engineers, Architects, and Bachelors during the Graduation Ceremony


Addressing ceremony, Dr. Le Nguyen Bao conveyed heartfelt messages to the new Physicians, Pharmacists, Engineers, Architects, and Bachelors: "Today marks a very important milestone for all of you, unlike high school graduates before you, because after today, most of you will enter the job market and truly step into the 'school of life' with many more challenges and obstacles. The world is changing rapidly and will bring you many opportunities, but also potential difficulties, especially with the increasingly powerful development of Artificial Intelligence. This raises the big question of how we will participate in the job market to build a long-term career without being replaced by Artificial Intelligence.


Surely, you all know that Artificial Intelligence is developing rapidly, very smart, and capable of doing many things like us humans, even better and faster than us. So the question arises: do we need to study hard? Do we need to constantly acquire new knowledge and skills? Because in the future, there is a risk that Artificial Intelligence will replace us in everything. However, rest assured, because in reality, Artificial Intelligence is created by humans ourselves, and if you are proficient in Artificial Intelligence, it will be a powerful tool to help you work more effectively, productively, and with higher quality. Therefore, no matter how many tools are invented and how many advanced tools you have, you still need to go to school, you still need to study. Schools continue to fulfill their mission very well, which is to help you build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills so that when you step into the practical job market, you know how to use your knowledge to control Artificial Intelligence and many other advanced tools to serve your work, ensuring that your career not only sustains but also continues to develop further."


New graduates radiated joy on their graduation day


On this occasion, DTU awarded diplomas to 2,167 new Doctors, Masters, Physicians, Pharmacists, Engineers, Architects, and Bachelors. Specifically, there were 6 Doctors, 167 Masters, and 1,994 Physicians, Pharmacists, Engineers, Architects, and Bachelors honored. To recognize and encourage academic achievements and scientific research by students, DTU also awarded prizes to outstanding graduates, students who achieved awards in scientific research and competitions both domestically and internationally, totaling rewards valued at 168 million VND.


For DTU, this year's graduation ceremony affirms the school's commitment to providing high-quality human resources to society. At the same time, it is an opportunity for the university to express gratitude to parents, who have always accompanied and supported their children throughout their learning journey.


DTU gives prizes to students achieving awards in scientific research and competitions both domestically and internationally


As one of the exemplary students in scientific research activities, student associations, and university student unions over the past years, Nguyen Khoa Thi Ngoc An, Valedictorian of the PSU Accounting - Auditing program at the International Training School, shared: "Throughout our time studying at DTU, we have been truly fortunate to have dedicated teachers who are always ready to help us overcome all difficulties in learning and life. Teachers not only impart knowledge but also teach us life skills, valuable lessons about ethics, and responsibilities. Inspirational hours of study, sincere advice, and the patience of teachers have helped us mature every day. We are truly grateful for all of that.


Today, I also want to express my gratitude to my parents - the first educators and also the first mentors of us who have tirelessly accompanied us on the path to turning dreams into reality. We used to think that after graduation, we would be free to pursue our passions, but now, when we write our resumes, prepare answers for interviews, we realize that nothing is easy at all. Once again, we truly appreciate and love our parents very much."


The Graduation Ceremony for the academic year 2023-2024 at DTU will continue until June 29, 2024, providing an opportunity for all new Doctors, Masters, Physicians, Pharmacists, Engineers, Architects, and Bachelors, along with their families and friends, to participate and share joy on this special occasion. This is not only a chance for them to look back on their educational journey but also a new beginning in their careers.


Joy and pride are evident on the faces of new graduates, families, and teachers during the diploma awarding ceremony. The road ahead is challenging but also opens up many new opportunities, and with a solid foundation of knowledge and equipped skills from DTU, new graduates will confidently stride forward, contributing to society and promising to achieve more success in the future.


(Media Center)