Tiếng Việt


Workshop “Hacker with GPT - LLMs Are Starting to Be Used for Hacking”

On April 13, the DTU School of Computer Science hosted the workshop “Hacker with GPT, LLMs are starting to be used for hacking”. The workshop provided an opportunity for students to network, share opinions, and learn from the speakers, all experts in the field.
Mr Tanaka Yuto shared a wealth of useful information about ChatGPT during the workshop
“The development of large language models could increase cyberattacks by providing attackers with powerful tools,” Prof. Dr Nguyen Gia Nhu emphasized at the workshop. “Able to produce persuasive and natural text, these models can be used to create scam campaigns, disseminate false information, and engage in other sophisticated activities aimed at stealing personal and business information. On the other hand, the technology also offers the means to detect and prevent these attacks. For instance, AI can be trained to identify scam email patterns or unusual network intrusion attempts, thus enhancing cybersecurity and minimizing damage. The School of Computer Science invited Mr Tanaka Yuto, Director of Fore-Z Japan and a leading expert in information security in Japan, to speak on the topic ‘Hacker with GPT - LLMs are starting to be used for hacking’, to inform staff, lecturers, and students on the latest issues related to the risk of cyberattacks that make use of AI.”
The main speaker at the workshop, Mr Tanaka Yuto provided the students with a lot of useful information about ChatGPT. He gave basic knowledge about GPT, its origins, development, and function in modern life, and he put particular emphasis on the concept of HackerGPT. To wit, HackerGPT is a ChatGPT-based security support tool known for its ethical hacking. According to eSecurity Planet, the model only generates responses that adhere to ethical standards and respect legal boundaries, which ensures that users act legally and responsibly. HackerGPT is distinguished by functions like network hacking, mobile hacking, payload creation, attack vector analysis, etc.
DTU students asked the speaker questions
The structure of AI technology and the growing need for cybersecurity personnel are important issues that Mr Tanaka Yuto also discussed. He stated that, in recent years, many researchers have defined AI in various ways, and currently no definition is widely accepted. Given the increasing demand for AI, it is predicted that there will be a shortage of about 124 thousand cybersecurity professionals by 2030. The current shortage of cybersecurity personnel is however a serious issue that needs to be addressed immediately. In addition, Mr Tanaka Yuto was very enthusiastic in answering the DTU students’ questions about HackerGPT and AI.
The workshop “Hacker with GPT - LLMs are starting to be used for hacking” was truly beneficial and practical for students of the DTU School of Computer Science and International School. The knowledge and experience in network engineering & security they gained at the workshop enhanced their understanding and gave them a clearer view of their field of study, and will be highly beneficial for their future careers.
(Media Center)