Tiếng Việt


The 2012 Social Venture Planning Awards Ceremony

On the morning of December 6th, the 2012 DTU International Week officially ended, when DTU students with excellent academic records and winning teams of the 2012 Social Venture Planning competition received scholarships and prizes.
Outstanding students of the International School
Before the closing ceremony, IIG Vietnam representatives presented to students the essential skills required to take the TOEIC, TOEFL and IELTS English language exams, which attracted the interest of those who intend to study abroad. They asked many questions about registration procedures, tips to do the tests, registration fees and so on.

Attendees also had the chance to share experiences about study methods with outstanding students from the International School, Le Thi Xuan Tu, Nguyen Thu Quynh.

Winning Teams of the 2012 Social Venture Planning competition

To finish off the 2012 DTU International Week, Mr. Nguyen Duc Man, Acting Dean of the International School, awarded 11 scholarships worth over 100 million vnd to 11 students with excellent academic results. These valuable scholarships were sponsored by Boeing Aircraft, Penn State University and the University of California in Fullerton.

The winners of the 2012 Social Venture Planning competition also received prizes. The Sharing Lives team of the Caring Women project won the first prize of 10 million vnd and the second prize of 5 million vnd was awarded to the E&P team, with their ILE Handbag project. The Omega team with their GE Project took third place, with a prize of 3 million vnd.

Other individual prizes, including ones for the Best English Writing and Presentation Project were also awarded.

Dr. Le Nguyen Bao, DTU Vice Chancellor, said: “There are more teams taking part in the competition this year, with better ideas than last year. The most outstanding students will be selected to go to Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries. Several others will be chosen to participate in the CDIO project being carried out by the DTU Center for Research and Development. Finalists will travel to America next year”
(Board of Website Editors)