Tiếng Việt


DTU Wins First Prize at ASEAN Green Entrepreneurship Hackathon 2024

The "Active Prosthetic" product, created by DTU FLEXILEG team, impressively surpassed 29 other teams from the ASEAN region to win the First Prize of the ASEAN Green Entrepreneurship Hackathon 2024, held on August 15, 2024.


This outstanding achievement is a testament to the creativity, technological application skills, and the human spirit of DTU students toward the disabled community.


The ASEAN Green Entrepreneurship Hackathon 2024 aimed at promoting innovation and entrepreneurial spirit focusing on sustainable development in Southeast Asia. The competition was co-organized by Universitas Islam Indonesia, Temasek Polytechnic, and the P2A organization, with sponsorship from MyTRIZ. Among nearly 200 registered teams, the board of judges selected 30 teams for the Qualifying round and eventually narrowed it down to 10 excellent teams for the Finals. Teams from 9 universities in the ASEAN region were very excited to participate in the competition, presenting a variety of high-quality projects and products.


ÐH Duy Tân giành gi?i Nh?t cu?c thi Kh?i nghi?p ASEAN - Hackathon 2024

The "Active Prosthetic" is a low-cost yet high-quality product that meets the needs of people with leg disabilities in Vietnam


The "Active Prosthetic" developed by the FLEXILEG team previously won Second prize at the SV - STARTUP 2024 competition and the National Startup Day for Students 2024 in the Technology & Product Manufacturing category, a Third prize at the Asia-Pacific Accessibility Design Competition (ADC 2023). 


The FLEXILEG team, consisting of Ho Ngoc Huy, Ngo Huong Giang, and Ngo Thi Thach Thao, conducted research and developed a model of the 'Active Prosthesis' with a unique design, safety, low cost, high quality, and suitability for the physical characteristics of disabled individuals in Vietnam.


For Version 1, which earned prizes in several competitions, the FLEXILEG team surveyed the dimensions of lower limb models of Vietnamese people across different age groups, thereby selecting common sizes to design the 3D model of the 'Active Prosthesis' along with machining drawings to manufacture and assemble the product successfully. The designed product includes main components such as: knee joint, calf, and foot. In particular, the knee joint uses a hydraulic shock absorption system to support flexion-extension movements, while the extension movement is supported by a spring. The students meticulously calculated technical parameters such as shock absorption force, body weight, and the torque generated by the hip joint to ensure safe and suitable operation. The final product is not only cost-effective but also of high quality, meeting the specific needs of people with disabilities in Vietnam.


At HACKATHON 2024, the FLEXILEG team has released Version 2, elevating the "Active Prosthetic" to new heights with many remarkable improvements. In addition to maintaining a stable product structure, the team designed a stronger and higher-quality hydraulic cylinder system to ensure stability and safety during use. A silicone foot was added to enhance elasticity, providing a more natural feeling for the user while also improving the overall aesthetics of the product.


ÐH Duy Tân giành gi?i Nh?t cu?c thi Kh?i nghi?p ASEAN - Hackathon 2024

The "Active Prosthetic" product won First prize at the ASEAN Green Entrepreneurship Hackathon 2024


The "Active Prosthetic Leg" was awarded First prize at the ASEAN Green Entrepreneurship Hackathon 2024. This achievement is recognition of the creativity in design and manufacturing aimed at practicality for users as well as the heartfelt desire to provide useful solutions for disabled individuals in Vietnam, ASEAN and worldwide by DTU students. 

Ho Ngoc Huy, a member of the FLEXILEG team, shared: "One distinctive feature of Version 2 is its adjustable foot force, allowing the product to adapt flexibly to each user, thereby maximizing comfort. The adjustment mechanism at the knee joint is also intelligently designed, making it convenient to adjust, while the socket is made of lightweight and durable carbon material, reducing the product's weight while maintaining its sturdiness. Additionally, we conducted product testing with the support of the Da Nang Disabled People's Association and Hospital 199. Three people with disabilities were chosen to experience the product and all of them gave positive feedback. The product not only meets the mobility support requirements but also brings confidence and comfort to the users."


As one of the lecturers dedicating much time and effort to accompany the FLEXILEG team, Associate Professor Dr. Vu Duong, Vice Rector of the DTU School of Engineering & Technology (SET), said: "I am very pleased to have worked with the Center for Mechanical Engineering (CME) and the students to create such a meaningful product. Competing in three different levels of competitions, DTU students continuously made their mark and demonstrated the determination and capabilities. This achievement further affirms our right direction in developing DTU as an ‘Entrepreneurial University.’ The 'Active Prosthetic' product has demonstrated creativity, humanistic value, and practical application of Mechanical Engineering in life. This is a meaningful gift from our faculty and students to the university to celebrate the 30th anniversary of DTU's establishment. This is a meaningful gift from teachers and students to the school on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of DTU."

At the end of program, the organization committee awarded several prizes to teams with outstanding projects and products, including:

•    Top 3 outstanding teams


-    Champion: The "Active Prosthetic Leg" by FLEXILEG team from DTU
-    First Runner-up: “Wing zeolite eco-technology incinerator” by UII 1 from Universitas Islam Indonesia
-    Second Runner-up: “Sustainable Kaya” by TP2, from Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore 


•    Additional Prizes:


-    Most Impressive Presentation Award: "Deforestation Problems" by UII3 from Universitas Islam Indonesia
-     Highest Social Impact Project Award: “REOIL “ by BINUS 5 from Binus University, Indonesia
-    Audience Choice Award: LITTER TRAP by DNSC 1 team from Davao del Norte State College, Philippines


(Media Center)