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Joy Revisiting DTU

Joy Revisiting DTU

July 19,2019

Many of them were surprised to see how much the university had changed. When DTU was founded twenty-five years ago, the university seriously lacked the facilities it has today and now is very different, with an excellent reputation and spacious facilities. In the interim, 94,000 highly-qualified Bachelors, Masters, Ph.Ds. and Engineers have graduated into the community...

DTU Accounting Alumni Reunion

DTU Accounting Alumni Reunion

September 16,2019

On September 14, a number of 2005 - 2009 Accounting alumni returned to DTU to share their youthful memories and emotions with lecturers and friends. Ten years ago was neither a short or long period in their lives, just a link from past and present. The alumni joyfully reminisced about their vivid memories with their peers...