Tiếng Việt

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The New Odonto-Stomatology Major at DTU

The New Odonto-Stomatology Major at DTU

March 20,2018

Few of the universities offering Health Science education include an Odonto-Stomatology option. With the need for more advanced healthcare, there is currently a local shortage of dentists and oral specialists, so the quality of treatment is limited. In view of this situation, DTU will start enrolling for its major in Odonto-Stomatology in 2018, aiming to meet the study requirements of students and provide the community with many more medical professionals...

Interesting Information about the DTU General Practitioner Program

Interesting Information about the DTU General Practitioner Program

April 4,2018

Currently the number of applicants to the General Practitioner major is increasing significantly as more young people want to become doctors. This new program is directly addressing the strong demand for doctors and enrollees can be assured that they have made the right decision. The government has approved a master plan...

New Odontoid-Stomatology Major at DTU in 2018

New Odontoid-Stomatology Major at DTU in 2018

June 3,2018

DTU began offering a major in Odontoid-Stomatology in 2018. Over the past ten years, programs in Nursing, Pharmacy, General Practitioner, and an international-level Master of Nursing course in collaboration with Fooyin University, Taiwan have also been introduced...