Tiếng Việt

Tags: 4.0

Workshop on Teaching & Learning Reform in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution

Workshop on Teaching & Learning Reform in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution

October 24,2019

On October 23, DTU held a workshop entitled “Teaching & Learning Reform in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution”. Law and Humanities and Social Sciences lecturers and students attended. Dr. Nguyen Tan Thang, DTU Vice-Provost, said: “The 4th Industrial Revolution has changed the way we live and work. In this context, lecturers must develop the latest teaching methods...

DTU International Symposium on Knowledge Science in the Age of Big Data

DTU International Symposium on Knowledge Science in the Age of Big Data

December 4,2019

On November 29 and 30, an international symposium entitled “Knowledge Science in the Age of Big Data” was organized by DTU. Attendees included experts from several different countries, such as Switzerland, Japan, and China, to meet and share their achievements and research in big data topics...

Fourth live-streamed enrolment broadcast: Smart Tourism 4.0

Fourth live-streamed enrolment broadcast: Smart Tourism 4.0

February 28,2020

On February 27, the fourth live-streamed enrolment advisory session was broadcast, entitled “Smart Tourism 4.0”, which gave parents and prospective students a clearer understanding of the DTU enrolment process. The session was hosted by Associate Professor Lim Sang Taek, Director of the DTU Institute for Hospitality Training and Research; Dr. Peter Nyheim from Penn State University...